Friday, April 24, 2009

aiming for one more win

I've reclaimed the peeps diorama (sorry Mike!) as a Ranger bunnie victory ground. Those pesky poultry fans just love to stick around and rub their smug faces in your face. Well let them, this game is not about the chickens. Let's hope my Verizon Center voodoo works. I feel we can definitely nail down one win in the next 3 games, but I would very much like to see handshakes tonight. The Caps are gonna come out strong, but I'm looking for the Rangers to be even stronger, more decisive, more offensive than they've been in the first four. Let's make it happen. I believe in you Henrik, I believe in you Rangers.

1 comment:

:el fano: said...

"Verizon Center voodoo" ... OMG! [butter-Mc-Peep-a-thon" that just made me fall down with laughter! xoxox I'm sending waves of positivity for [2nights] game!! LETS [go] RANGERS .. LETS GO! xo xo :El fano: